
Making Third Dimension Spectacles, Modern Mechanix, Mar. 1935

See your own photographs in true perspective with these inexpensive, easily-made “third dimension” spectacles — ”enjoy “living scenes” where every contour, every figure is distinctly visible.

The principle of the old-fashioned stereoscope, with its double-image views in which figures and scenery stood out in bold relief, is merely applied to your own snapshots.

First get the lenses from an old stereoscope— ”you can generally locate these at a rummage sale or second-hand bookstore— ” and a dime-store pair of eye-glasses. Mount the lenses in the spectacle frames, cementing them in with balsam or collodion.

Have two prints made up in postcard size or even smaller for each of your snapshots. Trim off the right margin of one, the left margin of the other. Holding the prints, one in each hand, about 9 inches from the eyes, overlap the pictures until they appear as a single image, giving stereoscopic vision when held at the correct focus.