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Nose cone of NIST glide bomb showing the three-pigeon guidance system.
During World War II, “Project Pigeon”, leaded by American behaviorist B.F. Skinner's, was an attempt to develop a pigeon-guided missile. After several tests, they decided 3 different pigeons, trained to peck a target, would guide the missile. The project was cancelled in 1944 and resumed by the americam navy in 1948 as “Project Orcon” (Organic Control”, to be abandoned in 1953 with the arrival of new electronic guidance systems.


Screenshot of film showing pigeon pecking the image of target (vessel). “Project Orcon”, c. 1948-53.
During World War II, “Project Pigeon”, leaded by American behaviorist B.F. Skinner's,
was an attempt to develop a pigeon-guided missile. After several tests, they decided 3 different pigeons, trained to peck a target, would guide the missile. The project was cancelled in 1944 and resumed by the americam navy in 1948 as “Project Orcon” (Organic Control”, to be abandoned in 1953 with the arrival of new electronic guidance systems.


Étienne-Jules Marey, Georges Demenÿ in a black suit with a white stripe down side, 1884.




Russ Gerow in the cockpit of the Douglas M-4 belonging to the Continental Air Map Co., Long Beach, CA ca. 1930-33. He constructed a middle cockpit which included…



A soldier with a Hythe Mk III Gun Camera training at Ellington Field, Houston, Texas, April of 1918. The Mk III, built to match the size, handling, and…

84844 AC - Fifth Air Force, Korea - With a photograph of a Communist gun position in front of him, Sgt James E. Kindseth moves in for a better view.  His reports of Red Flak are used in briefing fighter-bomber pilots on how best to approach heavily defended targets.  March 1952.  U.S. Air Force Photo.


American soldier examines North-Korean anti-aircraft positions through a magnifying loupe. In the foreground is a well-equipped stereoscope. March 1952. (USAF Photo)



  Julius Neubronner with pigeon and camera, 1914. Neubronner patented in 1908 a “Method of and Means for Taking Photographs of Landscapes from Above”, using pigeons and small…

Brieftaubenfotografie, Fotografie mit Hilfe eines kleinen fotografischen Apparates, der an einem der Taube umgehängtem Brustschild befestigt wird.
Der Verschluß des Apparates läßt sich so einstellen, das die Aufnahmen während des Fluges zu vorher bestimmten Zeiten erfolgen.


German pigeon with camera for aerial photography, WWI.



  Pigeons with cameras for aerial photography, n. d. This Panoramic Camera was created by Julius Neubronner in 1903 or later (?). In 1908, Neubronner patented his invention,…